+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South

About Us (7)
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KIDS MINISTRY (Raising Up Champions)
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We live in a day and age where Christians are double minded in what they believe because of ‘winds of doctrine.’
As James 1:8 says, “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways”.
The Word of God declares in John 8:32, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
God’s Word is power when it is rightly divided and explained by the Holy Spirit - not by man’s theories or traditional teaching. God is fully in control and He has given us a manual – the Bible, to direct our lives. The time is now to conform to His Word, His plan, and His standards.
Our aim is to help believers understand the Word and grow up into mature sons of God - not keeping themselves busy with doctrines of demons but instead ruling and reigning in this life through Jesus Christ. The people of God should be victorious, prosperous and healthy in all the earth, for they are the ambassadors of the Almighty God, Creator of all that exists.
Our Testimony
In 1983, Asha and I experienced the life changing power of God that led us to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Since then we have been hungering and thirsting for the truth, understanding that Jesus was not just another religion, but He is Life Himself. We are thankful to God for His Salvation and Everlasting Love toward us that has brought Spiritual enthusiasm to love Him and His Word of Integrity. The Word of God has been real and enlightening to us through the relationship we have with Christ.
My wife, Asha and I know from experience the impact of understanding and acting upon the principles in the Bible. One of the simple but impacting truths we have discovered is that God wants us to be winners in every area of our lives!
We as a family, together with our two young daughters, Shamma and Shalome, enjoy serving our Lord Jesus Christ, who has truly blessed us!
Our Ministry
Believer’s Fellowship is a ministry that challenges and encourages believers to develop and mature in their walk with the Lord. We will never despise small beginnings from where this ministry was birthed. God has called us as a family to share His mighty Word with others which also includes the ministry of singing “Word based–faith filled songs.”
We are reaching out to the island of Sri Lanka and around the world with the Word that brings faith, hope, healing and changes the lives of people. Our vision is to spread the message of the Kingdom of God through literature, audio and video.
It is one of the greatest honours and joy of our lives to teach the truth of the infallible Word of God to the body of Christ. As the Word of God is spoken with boldness, power, and grace, I am assured that deliverances take place in the lives of believers. They are also encouraged, built up and equipped to do the work of the ministry.
This ministry is committed to the fullest of its ability to handle the Word of God with integrity, by the manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.
We invite you to explore the many facets of this ministry.
Where Are We Located?

Believers’ Fellowship is situated in Dehiwala-South, West Province in the island of Sri Lanka, serving the body of Christ in English, Sinhalese and Tamil.
For more contact information click here.
Howard A. Willard has been in the ministry for over 35 years. From an ex-drunk and ex-heavyweight boxer, God has changed him in a miraculous way and called him into the ministry as an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist and Teacher.
He has travelled over 120 countries, preaching the good news to the poor, healing the broken-hearted, preaching deliverance to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty them that are bruised.
As he preaches the Word, God confirms it with miracles, signs and wonders. He is married and has six beautiful children as the Lord has promised. They are named Isaac, Joseph, David, Samuel, Joshua and John. The prophesy has been fulfilled. To God be the glory!