+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South


All consuming fire

All creation cries to You

All I Praise is You, Jesus

All I Praise is You, Jesus/For everything there is a season

All of creation (We cry Holy)

All The Earth (Father Into Your Courts)

All things are possible

All to Jesus I surrender

Almighty Father Elshaddai

Alpha And Omega

Amazing Love (You are my King)

Arise and Shine

Arms Open Wide (From Another World)

As high as the heavens are above the earth

At all times I will bless You Lord

At the foot of the cross

Be strong and courageous

Be strong in the Lord

Because of Thee (Father above I give )

Because of who You are

Behold The Lamb Of God

Believe in the Lord

Better than life

Bless the Lord O my soul

Bless the Lord O my soul /
All hail King Jesus

Bless Your Holy Name

Blessed Be Your Glorious Name

Blessed Is The Man

Blessed Jesus You Are Our First Love

Brand New Day (Jesus -Thank You For This)

Building Up Ourselves (God Has Granted Us)

By His Word I Have No Fear In Me

By His Wounds (Surely He took up our infirmities)

Called Out (I’m justified)

Come Let Us Offer / By Him therefore let us

Come let us Sing (O sing unto the Lord)

Cry Holy (every sun and moon and star)

Dancing Generation (Your mercy taught) 

Don't let the enemies of faith

Eagles Wings (they will soar on wings like eagles)

El Shaddai El shaddai Almighty God

Elshaddai, Elshaddai/How Great You are my Jesus

Emmanuel (Holy Holy I Will Bow Before)

Everlasting Light (The Lord Is Our)

Every Praise is to our God

Father Almighty (We Praise Your Name)

Fill your mouth with laughter

For I know the plans I have for you

For the Lord is good

For the Lord is good (Enter His gates with)

For verily I say (Verily I say unto you)

Forever And Ever (I Will Extol You)

Forever /Trading my sorrows

From my heart to Yours

Fruits of Righteousness (I am filled )

Get All Excited / God Is So Good

Give And It Will Come Back

Glorious Name / Jesus You are so wonderful

God above all the world and motion

God has not given us a spirit of fear

God is light

God is my refuge

God is my refuge (A very present help)

God Loves You (For God So Loved The Word)

God Of Wonders (Lord Of Heven And Earth)

God says I am healed

God You're So Good

God, You Reign (You Paint The Night,)

Goodness and Mercy

Great And Mighty God (At All Times I Will Bless)

Great Are You Lord (You Give Life)

Great is the Lord

Great Physician (The Joy Of The Lord Is Stronger)

Hail Him Risen Lord / Lord not unto us

Hallelujah to the Lamb (You’re the Alpha and Omega)

He became sin

He is Faithful

He is Jehovah

He makes the sun to rise day by day (O give thanks to the Lord )

He That Dwelleth In The Secret Place / For the Lord is my Victory

Holy is the Lord (We stand and lift up)

Holy is Your Name

Hosanna (Praise is rising)

How Amazing (How good You have been to me )

How I love You

I Adore You (Here I Am In Wonder)

I Am Healed (The Enemy’s Always Trying)

I am the door

I Am The Righteousness Of God

I believe in the Blood of Jesus

I boldly approach my God

I bow my knee

I Can Do All Things Through Christ

I cannot be conquered

I found a new way of living

I have a Maker

I have obtained

I have restored Health unto you

I Just Wanna Thank You Lord

I know who I am

I know that I know

I let the peace of God rule in my heart

I love You, Lord (Goodness of God)

I Love To Be In Your Presence

I Rejoice (Lord Your Joy Is My Joy)

I see the Lord (Holy is the Lord God Almighty)

I see the Lord seated on the Throne

It’s all about Jesus (Halle Hallelujah – Hallelujah)

It’s no longer / Alive alive

I Will Bless The Lord

I Will Grow And Be Strong

I Will Offer The Sacrifice

I will praise Thee O Lord

I Will Rejoice

I will say Of The Lord

I will trust in You (When I Can't See You)

I worship You (When I look into Your holiness)

I'll hide Your Word inside my heart

I'll trust You Jesus (Lord when You came into my heart)

I’m A New Creation

I’m A New Creation (Oh ha...llelujah He redeemed me )

I'm forgiven (Amazing Love)

I'm keeping my mind

I'm redeemed by the blood

I'm redeemed from the curse of sin

In God I will praise / I will sing of Your love

In my pathway is life

In the quiet, in the stillness

In Your Presence / Such Joy

It Was Me (who was the undone sinner)

I've been delivered from the power

I've been made alive

I've been redeemed / There is power

Jehovah Jireh You're My Provider

Jehovah Nissi Lord You're my Banner / Lord You are a strong wall

Jehovah Rapha the Lord that healeth me

Jesus All For Jesus

Jesus hope of the nations

Jesus is Lord (This day we celebrate )

Jesus is the Answer

Jesus We Celebrate Your Victory

Jesus You Are So Good

Jesus You're My Firm Foundation

Keys To The Kingdom (Said The Son Of Man)

King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords

Leaning On The Everlasting Arms (What A Fellowship)

Let the poor man say ( Let the river flow)

Let The Praises Ring (Oh Lord My God) 

Let us draw near

Lift up the light

Living In The Presence Of Jesus (Problems Knock At Every Door)

Lord not unto us

Love lets me give to the limit (Without love)

Majestic (Oh Lord Our Lord)

Merciful Compassionate

Mighty is our God, Great and mighty

Miracle working God / Thank You Jesus thank You

My beautiful saviour

My God’s been so good (When I Was Lost)

My Help Comes From The Lord

My help comes from the Lord (I Lift Up My Eyes) / Mighty is our God

My Redeemer Lives

My Son Give Attention To My Words

New Season (Now is the time to arise)

Not one thing has failed

Nothing can separate me/I'm a new creation in Christ

Now the Lord is that Spirit

Now you are clean through the Word

O give thanks to the Lord

O give thanks unto the Lord (We exalt You Lord )

Oh Lord Our Lord

O Taste and see

Offering Of Worship (The Sun Cannot Compare)

On the night

Once and for all Jesus gave His life for me

Once and For all Jesus gave/I let the peace of God

One Thing I know That I Have Found

Our God is greater (Water You Turned Into Wine)

Our God Reigns (How lovely on the mountains)

Our God Reigns (Spirit of death)

Peace I’ve given to you

Perfect Peace (The Lord Is My Helper)

Praise & Honour & Glory

Praise Adonai (Who is like Him)

Praise Song (From the rising of the sun)

Praise Song (When I wake up in the morning)

Praise The Lord (Praise God in His Sanctuary)

Praise the Lord / Lord my spirit

Revelation Song (Worthy is the Lamb)

Right now there are angels gathered

Rock Of Ages

Run the race (I will taste and see)

Shepherd Of My Soul

Sing To Thy Name (Sing Forth The Honour Of His Name)

Sing Unto The Lord / He Put A New Song

Sing, shout, clap your hands

So Good (You're the hope in my heart)

Song of Love (Jesus King Of My Heart)

Speaking to yourselves

Standing on the promises

Straight is the Gate

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

Thank You (Just a little while longer)

Thank You Father for meeting my needs

Thank You Jesus

Thank You Lord (I come before You)

That’s what I have That’s who I am (Blessings and more blessings)

The Lord God is my rock

The Greater One’s in me

The Lord God merciful

The Lord Is Good

The Lord is my rock

The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord watches over me (I Lift My Eyes)

The Mystery Revealed (You Opened Our Eyes)

The Name Of The Lord

The promise (Nothing is impossible) 

The voice of joy / Jehovah Jireh

There is joy in the Lord

There Is Nothing That I Need

There Is Power (Where Two Or More)

There is therefore now no condemnation

This is Amazing grace (Who Breaks The Power)

This Kingdom (Jesus, God’s Righteousness Revealed)

Through Christ we overcome (O God My Heart)

Time is so precious

Trade your heavy heart

Trading my sorrow

Today is the day (I’m casting my cares aside )

To God be the glory

Trust in the Lord | We are one Body

Unchangeable Lord

Under His Shadow (Faithful One Who Has Chosen Me)

Unending Love ( There is no greater gift )

We Are The Redeemed

We are the temple of the living God

We are the children

We give You thanks

We rejoice in the goodness of our God

We Sing A New Song

We will give Glory

We will soar on wings like eagles

We've got the power

When I Speak the Name of Jesus/Don't let the enemies of faith

When I speak the Name of Jesus / Oh Lord our Lord

When I Think About The Lord

When I was in the dark

When I was Lost in sin

Winner Man (It Is Such Fun To See)

With humble hearts we bow before the Lord/You are the desire of my heart

With my mouth I confess (I am saved )

Without Faith it is impossible

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain

Worthy You are worthy

Worthy Of My Praise (I will worship)

Yield yourself to the Holy Spirit

You Are Beautiful (I Love To Be In Your Presence)

You are God Alone (You are not a God created)

You are good (I will sing of the Goodness)

You Are My Praise

You’re the one who made the heavens

You are the rock of my salvation

You are the Source of my blessing (Oh how great)

You are worthy of honour and praise

You Carried My Burden

You gave me a promise (Nothing is impossible with You )

You have saved us (Who am I)

You have shown me the path/Every good and perfect gift

You have shown me the path / It is a good thing

You made a way for me

You Reign (Long Before You Ever Said)

You satisfy my soul

Your Blood Has Given Me Life

Your Grace Is Enough (Great Is Your Faithfulness)

Your Love (Higher Than The Heavens)

Your love is better than life / From my heart to Yours


Your Name (Amidst These Dark And Painful Days)

Your Will (Mighty God, Lord Of All)