+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South




Give thanks to the Lord our god and king
His love endures forever
For he is good he is above all things
His love endures forever
Sing praise sing praise

With a mighty hand and an outstretched arm
His love endures forever
For the life that is been reborn
His love endures forever
Sing praise sing praise x2

Forever God is faithful forever God is strong
Forever God is with us forever (forever)

From the rising to the setting sun
His love endures forever
And by the grace of god we will carry on
His love endures forever
Sing praise sing praise x2

His love endures forever
His love endures forever
His love endures forever
forever - forever




I'm trading my sorrow -I'm trading my shame
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord

I'm trading my sickness - I'm trading my pain
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord

We say yes Lord - Yes Lord - Yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord - Yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord - Yes yes Lord Amen

I'm pressed but not crushed
Persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed
I'm blessed beyond the curse
For His promise will endure
And His joy is my strength

Though the sorrow may last for the night
His joy comes in the morning

La la la la la ……….