+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South



If you are in tribulation, hurt or pain, the Lord will speak words of comfort to you.

He is always strong, and you can turn to God's Word in times of trouble and when you need comfort. 

His unchanging promises will surely comfort you. 

Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Even if you are in a rock bottom position, the Lord will always encourage you and lift you up. 

God sets on high those who are low, And those who mourn are exalted to safety. Job 5:11

If you are sad and lonely, remember that He will keep you safe.

I will stay in all joy and peace and I will say that I have overcome all these things by faith because He Himself has said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you in any way.” Hebrews 13:5; Romans 15:13

The Lord is with you; do not be afraid; do not be dismayed. Your God will strengthen you and help you; you will never be defeated, for He will uphold you with the right hand of righteousness. Isaiah 41:10

You say to yourself: "I will wait on the Lord and be strong. I will strengthen my heart." Psalm 27:13-14

I know for sure that no one and nothing will be able to separate me from the love of God in Jesus Christ. Romans 8:37-39

He comforts me in all my troubles. John 16:13

I thank my Savior today because I know that all things work together for the good for those who love Him and for those who are called according to His purpose. Amen! Romans 8:28

Jesus said, "Loving Me empowers you to obey My commands. And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Comforter, the Holy Spirit of Truth, Who will be to you a Friend just like Me—and He will never leave you. The world won’t receive Him because they can’t see Him or know Him. But you know Him intimately because He remains with you and will live inside you." John 14:15‭-‬17








►Call for prayer: +94722340440 / +94717695195

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Also if you have been blessed by this Word, Please SHARE with others! "This is the time to encourage each other daily, while it is still called today." Hebrews 3:13.


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