+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South



The Bible says, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 

We see from this verse that God is not the Authour of fear and in Him there is no fear. 

God cannot give us anything that He does not have. 

This fear comes from the devil himself which is unhealthy. 

Fear is a monster and if it takes its full course in your life, it will produce misery, defeat, bondage and destruction.

Fear creates nervous breakdowns, sleeplessness, oppression in a person’s life and it can lead to an urge to commit suicide. 

Fear can truly be defined as the expectation of bad. 

Satan wants us to have this evil spirit of fear which expects and magnifies failure, sickness, danger and worry. 

Actually “Fear is the devil’s second name.”

Satan will use every subtle device he can find to hinder the good things of God. 

Fear is the greatest spiritual hindrance to keep people from completely yielding themselves to God and enjoying a rich, abundant life in Jesus Christ. 

Scriptures tell us to stand against fear, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 

God commands us saying, “In nothing be terrified by your adversaries.” 

You can conquer fear in the name of Jesus! 

If you have been controlled by this spirit, you need to begin to speak out and continue to resist that spirit of fear. 

It is not the will of God for you to live a life of fear.







►Call for prayer: +94722340440 / +94717695195

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Also if you have been blessed by this Word, Please SHARE with others! "This is the time to encourage each other daily, while it is still called today." Hebrews 3:13.


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