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The next character we're going to see is Noah in Genesis Chapter Six. 

When things were going from bad to worse, after Adam and Eve they had committed high treason against God we found that God saw Everything that people were doing were evil. 

Now let me remind you of one thing Jesus said, the day that He's going to come we will be living just like in the times of Noah. And now we are living in these times. 

Today you can see people so wicked continually in their minds. They are having evil thoughts–only evil continually. 

Everything that they want to do is just to steal kill and destroy.  Everything in their minds––I mean they're just programming themselves by what they see. 

God saw that there was so much of wickedness in the minds of the people. He said the end of creation has come. 

But then all of a sudden in verse number eight something changes. 

Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. The word Noah means, he was a man of rest. 

Let me tell you when all these things that you see that is happening around you be at rest. 

And you will find grace or favour in the eyes of God as it says about his character. 

This is the character of Noah he was a just man in his generation. He was a just man. You can look at Noah and say he's a man of rest and he's a just man. 

You will find favour with God when you do things justly. He was perfect in his generation. 

He got his family in order. He had three sons got them married and he always had influence over their lives. 







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