+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South



It's the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead that abides in you now.

You have the spirit of faith in you.

This is a year of mass repentance and restoration. That's what we're going to believe God for: Because God is going to see the church repenting of some of the things that they have been involved with for too many years.

And when the church repents, there's going to be mass repentance in the world.

It's going to affect the world, and many are going to come to Christ.

Mass conversions are going to take place because there's going to be great restoration in the church—in the body of Christ, not just in these four walls but in the Universal Church.

We're going to see mass repentance in the church. And people are going to come back to the Lord and say, "Lord, we have missed it. We have missed it. We have been playing church."

“But now, we're going to change our way of thinking; we're going to turn around; we're going to believe for great things to happen.”

When the church is restored, we're going to see mass repentance taking place in the world.

The people that you never ever dreamt would ever be saved, will be saved, just like the way the Lord saved us.

The Bible says that God would put Israel to jealousy by saving the Gentiles; just like that, He's going to do the same thing to the church. 

He is going to make us feel so jealous about the Gentiles who we thought would never get saved—the hard-hearted people that we have visited, and they have never repented; they're going to come repenting. 

They are going to do greater works than we have even dreamt of?







► Call for prayer: +94 72 234 0440 / +94 717695195

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Also if you have been blessed by this Word, Please SHARE with others! "This is the time to encourage each other daily, while it is still called today." Hebrews 3:13.


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