+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South



God says in Isaiah 51:2, "Look to Abraham your father (ancestor), and to Sarah, who gave you birth. For I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.”

The Word of God says that Abraham is the true “father of faith,” for he was qualified to become the father of all who believe. 

Now let's see how Abraham became the father of our faith. 

The Word of the Lord came to Abraham, saying, "The Son who comes out of your own body will be the heir." Genesis 15:4

Against all odds, when it looked hopeless, Abraham believed the promise and expected God to fulfill it. 

He took God at His Word, and as a result, he became the father of many nations. 

God’s declaration over him came to pass: “Your descendants will be so many that they will be impossible to count!”  Romans 4:18

Abraham never stopped believing God’s promise, for he was made strong in his faith to father a child. 

And because he was mighty in faith and convinced that God had all the power needed to fulfill His promises, Abraham glorified God! Romans 4:20–21

Even before he saw the promised son being manifested, he believed God. 

And because he believed God’s words, his faith transferred God’s righteousness into his account. 

Simply put, before God answered his prayer, he thanked God that it would happen by faith with no doubt in his heart.

Abraham was the father of many nations because he believed in hope where there was no hope. 

He was convinced that God had all the power to fulfill His promise.







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Also if you have been blessed by this Word, Please SHARE with others! "This is the time to encourage each other daily, while it is still called today." Hebrews 3:13.


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