+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South



Now let’s see what caused one house to fall and the other house to stand, or what caused one man to perish and the flood to be disastrous to him. 

It was the same flood, the same storm and the same wind that beat upon both lives. 

One could not be shaken, but the other one fell immediately. 

Notice Jesus did not say the house was not shaken; He said, “it was impossible to shake it.”

We see that it was the foundations that made the difference. 

The house that stood against the storm was built on a solid foundation. 

And the foundation was laid on the solid Word of God. 

The foundation was doing the sayings of Jesus.

The things that come to your house are not necessarily what God wills, but what you allow. 

God will allow whatever you  allow. 

It is not His responsibility to keep it out; it is your responsibility!

Many have accepted sickness and disease as God’s will so that they will learn from it or that good will come from it.

This is Satan’s No. 1 deception! 

He deceives people into believing that the problem they face is God’s will. 

Some even argue that if God is doing it, who am I to come against Him? 

This kind of thinking will neutralize your faith. 

It stops your ability to operate in the realm of faith. 

It’s very important that we build our lives on the Word of God. 

Being a doer of the Word will build a foundation that the devil cannot destroy, no matter how hard he tries! 



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