+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South


Why do you think it's a lie when you say "I am healed" while in pain? Jesus said, "The girl is sleeping" while she was dead.

The woman who was lied to and bound for eighteen years met with the Truth and the Truth said to her, "Woman, you are free!"
Lies kept on sucking her blood for 18 years until she came in touch with The Truth and the bleeding stanched.

The liar is a leech sucking your blood, but the Truth is the Lamb that was slain and shed His blood for you!
The liar keeps condemning you but the Truth says that there is no condemnation. (Romans 8:1)

Meet with the Truth and let the lie that has kept you bound be exposed by the Truth.

  • Be delivered and healed by the Truth of God's Word!

Don't say what you feel, but say what you believe in your heart - it takes courage to do so.

The Truth keeps knocking at your door saying let me in that I may sup with you, while lies gatecrash and destroy.

  • Be open to the Truth that He may arrest lies and set you free!

Sadly, many believe the lies of the devil and live defeated.

  • Believe the Truth of God's Word and live victoriously!
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