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Husbands-Wives-ChildrenHusbands & Wives

Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. (Ephesians 5:21) 

LOVE is not a compelling factor, nor is it designed to control each other in selfishness. But LOVE works strongly between husbands and wives as they FIRST submit to GOD and then one to another. LOVE is not only, a matter of exchanging flowers, gifts, cards, or even costly presents between husbands and wives. If that is LOVE, we would have never had so many broken marriages in the world.

But LOVE one another with the LOVE OF GOD that is poured into your hearts. (Romans 5:5)

Hebrews 13:4 - Marriage is honourable in all....

Marriage was firstly instituted by God himself. He unites a man and woman to live together for lifetime. The word 'honour' means valuable, costly and precious. God's Agape love poured into the hearts of the couple enables them to honour each other. When a husband values his wife as a precious gift from the Lord and loves her just like Christ loved the Church, likewise the wife also understands to submit and support her husband as unto the Lord, this marriage would be successful and prosperous. 

Marriage is the Covenant made between a man and a woman.Treat marriage with respect and you will see the Blessing of the Lord in your home. God is the witness in your marriage because it is a Covenant between a man and woman of His prime creation. The Blessing of the Lord is upon a marriage since it's a Covenant between a man and woman who live in agreement. Never consider marriage outside a Covenant between a man and woman, because in the beginning God made it exactly as it should be. Understanding that the marriage union is a Covenant between a man and woman, premarital relationship is illegal in the sight of the Lord. Marriage is a Covenant between a man and woman where God's Blessing is upon the two and selfishness is the poison of disunion. When there is strife in the marriage, remember the Covenant between you and your spouse and God Himself being the witness will help you out of it. 

Rejoice with your wife in all your youthfulness, for she is your Covenant partner. Why should it be anything apart from enjoying your God-given Gift? Favour and beauty could be deceiving and worthless but knowing that you're in Covenant with your spouse, enjoy God's Blessing in marriage by honouring each other. 

The marriage certificate will not keep you together but showing respect and fulfilling your vows to each other daily will keep it. Good marriages continue to be excellent and are a blessing to others when they use Godly principles of loving one another unconditionally. To obey God has a direct connection to the supernatural power to work on our behalf. The servants in the marriage obeyed and had the water turn into wine. One of the biggest lies the devil has deceived people into believing is that "Marriage is not made in heaven," which has caused many unresolved problems. But in the beginning, God created man and woman, so marriage is Designed in Heaven and Assembled on the Earth.

Husbands: love and hold your wife dear to you; this will take away fear and insecurity out of her life and she will spontaneously submit to you. 

Wives: adorn yourself with beauty in the hidden inner person who is precious in the sight of God and in submission to your husband enjoy the marriage union.

Submission is not an act of slavery as the voice of women's liberation says, but it is the principle of the Word of God to win husbands to enjoy marriage relationships.

Children - prosper and live long by obeying and honoring your parents!

Children, obey your Parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour your Father and Mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth. (Ephesians 6:1-3)

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