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english 3

Jesus likened the Kingdom of Heaven to yeast; that works silently but surely to completely transform the dough. This is exactly the way the Kingdom principle of engagement works.

In fact, yeast has several interesting characteristics that illustrate how Kingdom engagement operates.

1) Yeast is inactive when it is sealed in the package. It cannot do its work until it is released into the dough. It is the same way with us. We cannot exert our Kingdom influence if we isolate ourselves from the world by staying within the four walls of our homes or church buildings. We have to inject ourselves into the “dough” of the world if we are to do any good.


2) Yeast by itself looks helpless and insignificant. Once released, however, its influence far exceeds its initial outward appearance. In the same way, the most effective way we can be yeast in our culture is not to be loud, flashy, but quiet and unassuming, yet faithfully, consistently, and steadily living and promoting the King, day by day. After all “slow and steady wins the race.”


3) Yeast is not intimidated by the size of the dough. That tiny yeast will look at that big batch of dough and say, “I can eat you for lunch.” It doesn’t matter where God put you, how tough your situation looks, or how great your challenge appears to be. As a Kingdom citizen with the Governor living in you, you always have the edge.


4) Yeast is not influenced by the dough, but the dough is influenced by the yeast. Yeast never becomes dough, but dough becomes yeast. In the same way, through Kingdom engagement, the Kingdom never becomes like the world, but the world becomes like the Kingdom.


5) Yeast changes the condition of the dough. The longer yeast has to work, the greater the transformation of the dough. In the same way, the longer our influence is in a place the more that place should become like the Kingdom of Heaven.


6) Yeast works quietly. It doesn’t force anything; it just goes to work. Engagement doesn’t mean browbeating people with the Bible, being intimidating or obnoxious in our promotion of the Kingdom. It means going to work quietly, steadily and consistently. No noise, no fuss, no spectacle; just make Kingdom decisions and set a solid Kingdom example day in and day out.

You are there to infect, not obstruct or distract. Eventually, someone will ask why you seem so different, and that will be your opening to talk about the Kingdom.

Before you can talk the talk you have to walk the walk.


7) All yeast has to do to work is show up. You don’t have to tell yeast what to do. All you have to do is release it and let it work. By the same token, we should be “yeast” automatically wherever we are as we allow the Holy Spirit to “release” Himself and work in and through us.


8) Yeast is activated by heat. Putting it in hot water releases its power. In a similar way, pressure propels us toward maturity. It helps make us more effective. Are you under pressure right now? God is saying, “Don’t run. Stay and affect everything. Show them your attitude, values, morals and your standards. Let them see the Kingdom.”

Don’t get mad; get ahead! The Kingdom is like yeast; it becomes more powerful under pressure.


9) Finally, once yeast gets in the dough it can never ever be retracted or ignored. God’s Kingdom is here on earth to stay, and it will grow until it fills the earth and accomplishes everything God has intended from the very beginning. As Kingdom citizens, we can exert an influence that is far greater and that will last far greater and that will last far longer than anything we could ever do alone. That is why God has put each of us where we are right now. He needs and wants us where He has placed us. We are His secret weapons to engage the popular culture and transform it into a garden of His glory. However, being effective as yeast means learning the trick of how to live in two worlds on one earth.

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