+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South


english 3

As believers, we believe that Jesus shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins.
However, we need to realise that His blood has been given to us for another important reason. Let's take look at that.

In addition to the forgiveness of our sins, the blood brings us to the place where Satan cannot touch us! We see this in the book of 1 John 5:18.
Revelation 12:11 tells us that we have overcome the devil by the BLOOD of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
Nowhere in the New Covenant are we told to plead and beg the devil to leave us. His rightful place is under our feet!

In the Old Testament, redemption meant killing an animal and offering it once a year to cover the people's sins. But it could never provide a NEW NATURE.
Jesus provided us a redemption that has taken care of all our sins once and for all.

Therefore when we sin, we ought to remember that we've got a lawyer - whose name is Jesus Christ, and He's never lost a case!
Why? Because of the blood that He has provided which has paid our sin debt in full.

Now if you are walking around with guilt in your heart, it shows that you deny the power of the cross.

Knowing the true revelation of the cross will bring joy into our lives instead of sorrow.

By partaking of the communion, we've got to remember what Jesus did for us, then simply believe and receive it. 

His body was broken for every sickness and disease. The crown of thorns shows that Christ took the curse that was ours. The cup pronouces that we are not guilty! (Read 1 Corinthians 11:23 - 25)

The Covenant Meal is not a religious practice that we perform.
It's a time where we celebrate and rejoice because of what Christ has done for us.
Think of it like this: If you were sentenced to death because of a terrible crime you committed but someone decided to come and take your place, wouldn't that bring joy to your heart?
You would go home and celebrate knowing that you are a free man!

This is exactly what Jesus has done for us. That is why He alone deserves our praise and thanksgiving.

Since Jesus has paid the price in full, there's no need to remember your sins cause it has already been taken care of.
So the next time Satan comes knocking at your door reminding you of your sins, speak aloud and tell him, "Satan, it is written, by the blood of Jesus Christ I am a new creation and I am free from all condemnation!"
Remember, he can't stand it when a child of God knows his identity in Christ!

Now that we know what Jesus' blood has done for us, does it mean that we can go around sinning like we used to when we were sinners? Absolutely not! In fact, the truth is the opposite!
Once you receive the nature of God, your desire will be to serve and do that which is pleasing to Him.
You are no longer a sinner but a righteous son of God!


1 John 1:7,9 says that if we walk in fellowship with God and our brother, the blood cleanses us from all sin. 

We may make mistakes in life but if we confess them, God will forgive us of them all.

Say this confession:

Father I thank You, that by the blood of Jesus, I have been redeemed, forgiven, cleansed, made righteous, sanctified. Therefore Satan has no power over me and no place in me. I renounce him and I loose myself from him, by the blood of Jesus! Amen!

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