+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South

Believers' Fellowship

Believers' Fellowship

ස්වාමීන්වහන්සේට අවශ්‍ය කරන්නේ ඔබගේ ජීවිතයේ තව තවත් වැඩි වැඩියෙන් වැඩි කරන්නටයි. අපගේ ජීවිතවල සියල්ලක්ම සිදුවන්නේ උන්වහන්සේ පවසන කියමන් අනුවයි.

තවද අප උන්වහන්සේ පවසන කියමන් ලබා ගත් කල අපගේ ජීවිතයේ වැඩි වන්නේය. අපි අපගේ ජීවිතේ ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨ දේවල් සිදුවෙනවා දකින්නට යන්නෙමු.

The very reason we come for teaching sessions is to hear the Word of God over and over again. And as you keep hearing, you are able to follow the Master.

You are able to hear His voice, and you can say, “Now I believe that “He is a good God!”

People had a different idea about God until Jesus came and manifested Himself.

Don't look for guidance from people who have never enjoyed life. You cannot follow a failure, and live in success.

You can never enjoy success if you don't follow someone who has succeeded in life.

The Apostle Paul said, "As I follow Christ Jesus you follow me."