+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South



You need to get in agreement with God. 

Then you will call things that are not as though they were until they are! 

We are not supposed to ignore the problem but we are told not to speak and magnify the problem. 

You have the faith of God in you. Romans 12:3

Therefore speak to the mountain, and not about the mountain. 

Jesus said, "Whoever shall say to this mountain be uprooted and cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”  Mark 11:22-23

We need to believe what we say will happen.

No, we are not ignoring the problem; we are doing something about it. 

We are applying the principles of God’s Word and using the wisdom of God. 

God’s wisdom is above man’s wisdom. 

Man likes to continually talk about his problems, and his words paint the image of that problem within him. 

If you continue to talk about your problem and your difficult situation it will be fully developed inside you. 

If there is fear in your heart, it will come out in words and produce more fear. 

If there is faith in your heart, it will come out in words and produce more faith.

If you want the Word of God in your heart, you must keep it in your heart and in your mouth. 

Exposing your heart to the Word of God will absolutely change the direction of your life!







►Call for prayer: +94722340440 / +94717695195

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