+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South



As soon as we heard......You know, when you hear the Word of the Lord you get faith. When your hearts melt, you either get saved or you get hardened.  

Whether you're a believer or whether you're a backslider, whether you are somebody who has never believed in the Lord, when you hear about the great acts of God you start saying, O God, You're the God of heaven and earth; I either repent of my works or else I’m going to harden my heart.     


That's something that I see in this woman. She said none of us had any more courage left. 

You know, when you hear about the greatness of your God, all that human courage just disappears, dissolves. You begin to melt in your heart and say, O my God, He such a Powerful God!      


Every one of them they hardened their hearts, except for Rahab the prostitute. 

Many times, it's mentioned Rahab the harlot because God can raise somebody who has been a downtrodden person. 

A prostitute is somebody whose life is completely dissolved. You just give into anything to happen; I mean you're just under the mercy of the circumstances.  

And then she makes her body as a living for herself. She sells her body. But she turned around as soon as she heard about the God of Israel.   


I know the God that you serve is the God of heaven and earth. 

She started thinking of all these things of God. 

Her heart was melted, and she changed; To say, “Lord I believe in the God of Israel.”   


You can face the challenges that you're about to face in the coming year.







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