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english 3

When we as believers receive the Holy Ghost, we have SUPERNATURAL POWER. This is what enables us to preach the gospel of the Kingdom. 

If we look closely at the life of Jesus in the gospels, we could clearly see that His mandate was to preach the gospel of the Kingdom confirming it with signs that were beneficial to mankind. He preached the truth and not the traditional teachings of man. (Matthew 4:23) 

In John 3, we see Nicodemus approaching Jesus with a hunger and a thirst for something more than the traditional teachings he had been taught. This is exactly how God wants us to live our lives. We've got to create that hunger and thirst in the hearts of those who are in the kingdom of darkness to migrate from their kingdom into ours. That's what Nicodemus saw in Jesus.

So how we do that? By being full of the Holy Ghost! The Holy Ghost enables us to discern people's needs and allows us to minister life through our words and actions. Don't let that power remain stagnant but let it flow through your life!

You may ask, "What can I receive from the Kingdom of God?" Well, according to Ephesians 1:3, you have been given all spiritual blessings and that includes healing, prosperity, deliverance, freedom and so much more!! Our heavenly Father has only good things in store for His children. Know that you have the ability to do great and mighty things as Jesus did because you are a son of God. 

God has created you to reign ON THIS EARTH and not just in heaven! It's plain and clear in His Word - Romans 5:17. Remember that wherever the Holy Ghost is, there is the Kingdom! God's Kingdom is the only Kingdom that will remain!! (Daniel 2:44). Hallelujah!

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