+94 722 340440 | 2nd Floor, 28 Galle Rd, Dehiwala South


english 3

Did you know that God's favour is a gift from Him to you?

You didn't have to earn it, neither can you buy it because it is what Jesus did at Calvary. That earned the favour of God!

Psalm 5:12 says that the Lord has blessed the righteous (that's you) with favour (Good Will and Pleasure) and He has surrounded you as a shield.

We see from this verse that we as children of God are to expect God's favour in our lives on a day to day basis!


Let's look at more scriptures concerning the favor of God. These are promises you can speak over your life and see supernatural results!


Say it out: The favour of God will produce and cause...

  • Supernatural Increase and Promotion - Genesis 39:21

  • Restoration of everything that the enemy has stolen from me - Exodus 3:21

  • Honour in the midst of adversaries - Exodus 11:3

  • Increased assets, especially in the area of real estate - Deuteronomy 33:23

  • Great victories in the midst of great impossibilities - Joshua 11:20

  • Recognition even when it seems the likely to receive it - 1 Samuel 16:22

  • Prominence and preferential treatment - Esther 5:8

  • Policies, rules, regulations and laws to be changed and reversed to my advantage - Esther 8:5

  • Battles won which I won't even have to fight because God will fight them for me - Psalm 44:3


The more you begin to speak out God's favour and honour, it changes any insecurity into confidence and success!

So make it a choice today to believe that God's favor, miracles and blessings will unfold before you this day!!

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